Note - While the following content is mine, I got the term "cultural intelligence" from a book by Thomson and Inkson called, you guessed it, Cultural Intelligence.
As a new feature, I've decided to occasionally offer free reading advice. This month I would like to recommend - at great risk to my own life and limb - Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years, by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2007). I make this recommendation because global warming is about to cost us billions, so it will have an organizational and business impact for decades to come, whether it is real or not.
The book, while quite polemical, offers an interesting, and refreshing, counterpoint to all the claims about an overwhelming "scientific consensus" on man-made global warming in the popular press. The authors' favourite target is of course the UN funded International Panel on Climate Change, but that doesn't stop the book from being an eye opening read which could lead you to challenge some of the alarmist pabulum we are being fed on a constant basis these days.
Singer and Avery are favourite targets of the environmental movement in the U.S. because they are highly sceptical of man made global warming and the dire predictions of Al Bore and acolytes. Here is the interesting thing. Singer is actually a professional meteorologist and climate scientist. The main thesis is this: the earth warms and cools over an approximate 1,500 year cycle. This is primarily caused by fluctuations in solar radiation and its interplay with cosmic rays and the earth's own variations in orbit, inclination, etc. If your head still doesn't hurt, you can examine the many graphs of ice-core samples from Greenland and upper atmosphere temperature readings by satellites. You could also read the dozens of pages of references to articles by reputable climate scientists in refereed academic journals.
In the final analysis, you can agree or disagree with the thesis of man-made global warming. Unstoppable Global Warming at least provides an alternative viewpoint to the so-called scientific consensus. It also provides another perspective on the world of academic publishing and paradigm building, but that's just a bonus in my mind.
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